Monday 24 January 2011


The word personality means habitual patterns and qualities of behaviour of any individual as expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes; distinctive individual qualities of a person, considered collectively. 

The word personality means habitual patterns and qualities of behaviour of any individual as expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes; distinctive individual qualities of a person, considered collectively.
Each person has a unique personality, a way of experiencing the world and participating in it that is all their own. Many ways have been proposed in different periods in history. These different propositions can be placed into three categories: personality is influenced by the environment; personality is inherent in our genetic make-up; personality is a mix of both genetic and environmental influences.
There are two different views as to whether all traits exist in all people:
  • Idiographic: people have unique personality structures; thus some traits (cardinal traits) are more important in understanding the structure of some people than others
  • Nomothetic: people's unique personalities can be understood as them having relatively greater or lesser amounts of traits that are consistently across people (e.g., the NEO is nomothetic)
The Idiographic view emphasizes that each person has a unique psychological structure and that some traits are possessed by only one person; and that there are times when it is impossible to compare one person with others. This viewpoint also emphasizes that traits may differ in importance from person to person (cardinal, central and secondary traits). It tends to use case studies, bibliographical information, diaries etc for information gathering.

The Nomothetic view, on the other hand, emphasizes comparability among individuals but sees people as unique in their combination of traits. This viewpoint sees traits as having the same psychological meaning in everyone. The belief is that people differ only in the amount of each trait. It is this which constitutes their uniqueness. This approach tends to use self-report personality questions, factor analysis etc. People differ in their positions along a continuum in the same set of traits.
Most contemporary psychologists tend towards a nomothetic approach (and the trait approach is often viewed solely as a nomothetic approach these days), but they are aware of how a trait may be slightly different from person to person in the way that it is expressed.


According to the Big Personality Test this trait was medium. It has been said that people that score the same scores as tend to have fairly broad range of interests and may be a bit sensitive to art. The test also stated that I am likely to find it easy to come up with original solutions to problems and usually hold unusual beliefs.

Conscientiousness describes how dependable, organised and hard-working a person is likely to be. This may be the reason why, of all the personality traits, Conscientiousness is the most consistent indicator of job success. It has been said that people who have similiar scores to me are less likely to be workaholics, instead achieving a good work-life balance.Conscientiousness often gives clues to the amount that a person plans. From the results I recieved it is likely that I enjoy planning certain aspects of my life and indulge in occasional list-making but unlikely to be averse to behaving spontaneously.Some studies have shown the more Conscientious an individual is, the more disciplined they are likely to be about exercise and diet.


According to the big personality test my results for the extroversion trait was medium. Usually extroversions have a positive character and have a tendency to seek out pleasure - stimulating or risk - taking activities. It also says that extroversions are comfortable with meeting new people. I agree with this for the reason that I am very comfortable with meeting new people another reason why I agree with this result because this one thing that I am comfortable doing.
It also says that extroversions generally have a positive outlook on life and may display a greater gift for leadership and also enjoy social occasions.    


I also scored on medium on agreeableness in the big personality test. The test shows that people who score medium on this trait are more than likely to show concern for the feeling of others which I agree with. It also says that they are inclined to help those in need and also get along with people in easily.


For this trait in the personality test, I scored quite low for the reason that, I am seen as low tempered and can handle stressful situations in a good manner. I agree with this statement for the reason that I don't like confrontation and always have a solution to of getting out of situations that may lead to a heated argument.