Wednesday 20 October 2010


Ø Explain one of the content theories on motivation which you feel is particularly relevant to you

The theory on motivation that I feel is particulary relevant to me is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. One of the reasons why I think this is for the reason that I have a job and in this job I am able to reach the next additional steps of the hierarchy.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has five basic stages,
  • Physiological
One of essential things I will need for work physiologically is my monthly pay that I have earned whilst working. I only work four hours a day so I am not entitled to a break also it will be important that I recieve good training so that I am capable to my job efficiently.
  • Safety
I will have to feel safe whilst working. We havent got any security in the store, but we with a panic alarm right next to the till that we can use if ever we feel threatened. Also we have the security patrolling the Eden centre so they are easily reachable when a problem erupts.
In terms of being safe within my job, I am only safe for three months as I am on probabation, if my probabation goes well then I am safe for another six months.

  • Social
On my first day I got introduced to all of my colleagues , this gave me the opportunity to know the sort of people that I am going to be working with.
  • Ego-esteem
This stage of the hierarchy is one of the most important. This is the stage where I feel if I am motivated to do work every week. At my work place the manager always ensures that the colleagues know what they are doing at all times without no problems. As I am new at the store, they are not 100% confident to leave me alone at the tills. But as time will progress, they will have much more confidence in me as I have been working in the store for quite a while.

  • Self actulisation
This the last stage on the hierarchy. I personally feel that I haven't reached self-actulisation at work for the reason I have just recently just started to work there. I would have to gain much more experience until I can feel that I have reached self-actulisation.

Explain your motivation for starting your degree course.  Why are you here? What has motivated you to get here and what will motivate you for the next 2 – 3 years?  Relate your personal motivation to the theory mentioned above

I have decided to study Human Resource Management at Bucks New University for the reason that I personally believe it will lead me on the right path to where I want to be in the next five to ten years. I got motivated to attend University becasue all of my older siblings have all attended University and have come out with a good job. Another factor that motivated me to attend University is that I will be able to move out of my own house and live on my own, which is quite an experience for me as I have never lived on my own before. What will motivate me for the next 2-3 years to stay in University is all the learning I am going to be learning.
 Reguarding the Hierarchy of Needs, I feel that I am in the social stage as I am getting to know new people and getting used to the area in which I am living.

Ø Can you think of a time when you were de-motivated, preferably related to work, either a part-time role or when you were at school or college?  Why did you feel like this?  Apply this to all the theories discussed in the lecture.  What happened to get you more motivated?  What would you do differently

At my old work place, I got demotivated because I didn't like my manager. I felt that he picked on me on several occasions which I didn't like. He will allocated me tasks that I struggled to complete becuase I found it difficult. This lead me not turning up to work so I could avoid him. 
I didnt feel this work place didnt live up to Herzberg's expectations in a work place. Herzberg two-factor theory states that work conditions and relationships with one another should be satisfactory. I felt that I didnt build any relationship with any of the people who worked there. Which is bad because the communication wasn't clear enough. The working conditions wasn't up to standard as well. The store was always messy, the canteen was too small for all of the employees to have a mini tea break. 
I spoke to my manager and I addressed all of my issues I had with him. This motivated me slightly for the reason that I felt that he was listening to what I had to say. He made a couple changes which worked effectively because I started to enjoy working more. 
If I could everything again, I think that I would my manager  my problems as soon as they started instead of bottling everything in. 

In conclusion I feel that motivation is very important when it comes to the work place and even during University.  Motivation is really useful when you want someone to complete a task efficiently. A lack of motivation can lead to someone being demotivated and not completing their job or task properly. Without motivation in the workplace, the atmosphere will be very dull and no one will feel happy to go work out of their own will but rather by force.

1 comment:

  1. A good start, you detail Maslow well, some explanantion before linking to your own experiences would be beneficial. Also some mention of the other content theories would show further knowledge and understanding. Your personal experiences are linked back to the theory but remember to reference every source and to include a bibliography at the end. Well done, keep blogging!
